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Preconception Consciousness and Early Embryology:
The Thread of Life

Within the broad theme of ‘Phenogenesis: The Process of Becoming Visible’ (Elissa Dell’s three-day workshop), we will be offering images, information, stories, practical explorations, and our shared experiences, to inspire rather than formally to lecture.

We will be exploring the process of human embodiment through embryology, including from a spiritual standpoint, functional and sacred anatomy, while also touching on some geology with an awareness of the living nature of Gaia.

The practical focus will be on orientation and grounding, which may evolve throughout life and acquire exquisite subtleness. We will be touching on the integrity of the self, our indissoluble links with nature and the healing potential of reconnecting with a more universal consciousness, which infuses our soul’s journey and evolving manifestation of self.

The themes will be developed further in a two-day workshop on 6–7 March 2021.


10am – 6pm, 12 September 2020


Lewes Road, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5AS (nearest station East Grinstead)




Hiranyagarbha or the Golden Egg of Creation by Manaku of Guler  

This workshop qualifies as Primary CPD for the CSTA (Craniosacral Therapy Association). 

If you have any questions or would like to book your place, please contact Sophia or Elissa (

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